
How To Track Your Newsletter Sign-Ups On Google Analytics

If you run an online business, you're running blind if you're not spending time focusing on two things: traffic and email.

Both of these are assets that allow you to make money, and the better you understanding how to "listen" to what's happening on your site, the more you can plan effectively. 

This post will walk you through a step-by-step process on how to setup a Google Analytics Goal to track your email list signups. All of this is very useful helping you build your email list (which is something you should be doing).

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How to Prevent Business Failure

About one-third of my business focuses on consulting with clients who are trying to either develop new business plans, become more effective at monetization, or desperately seeking a more efficient way to run their business and experience success.

The first two problems are always unique: different individuals and business model lead to unique challenges in creating something new in the marketplace that can be successful. This is a matter of reinventing the wheel, but more importantly, making the wheel better, cheaper, or smarter than what currently exists.

The third problem—the one of efficiency—has always interested me. I recently had the pleasure of working with a client—let’s call him Adam—who had seemingly lost his way with his business.

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Do You Have a Bad Reputation?

I think it’s safe to assume you don’t want to be that guy. No, not “the guy.” We’re talking about the flip side.

For one reason or another, you’ve built a reputation that's wrecking havoc on your ability to make friends, move up in the office, and feel more enjoyment from life.

Most people insist that if they had a reputation problem they would fix it immediately. But your mind tends to be self-protective. This can be a very good thing in terms of confidence. And yet it's a very bad thing when you're trying to fix a situation you didn't even realize was broken. 

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The Reason Why You Must Fail

The fear of failure is the world’s most destructive illusion.

Not so much in the idea that fear isn’t real—it certainly is—but we oftentimes use its existence as a reason for our inaction and indecision, and ultimately our inability to try something new or succeed against all odds.

Before questioning the logic, ask yourself:

Is failure (or fear of it) what prevents you from doing what you want—whether it’s getting in shape, getting our life in order, or just getting busy—or are you just making excuses?  

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